"Outlook XII" (acrylic on canvas, unique specimen, signed, shadow gap 84 x 64 cm)
"Outdoor 1, 2, 3" (mixed technique, unique specimens, signed, frames 34 x 44 cm, motifes 40 x 30 cm)
"Outlook X" (acrylic on canvas, unique specimen, signed, shadow gap 85 x 65 cm)
"WISA IV" (acrylic on canvas, unique specimen, signed, framed 73 x 53 cm)
"Backwater" (acrylic on canvas, unique specimen, signed, unframed stretcher frame 70 x 70 x 3 cm)
left: "Thoughtful (3)" (acrylic on paper, unique specimen, signed, frame 41 x 31 cm, motif 29 x 23 cm)
middle: "The Artist (v. 2)" (mixed technique on paper, unique specimen, signed, frame 41 x 31 cm, motif 29 x 20 cm)
right: "The Long Way 4" (mixed technique on paper, unique specimen, signed, frame 41 x 31 cm, motif 29 x 23 cm)
left: "Theater Twins" (acrylic on cardboard, unique specimen, signed, frame 44 x 34 cm, motif 40 x 30 cm) sold
middle: "The Artist (v. 1)" (acrylic on cardboard, unique specimen, signed, frame 44 x 34 cm, motif 40 x 30 cm)
right: "The Long Way 3" (acrylic on cardboard, unique specimen, signed, frame 43 x 33 cm, motif 40 x 30 cm)
"Outlook IX" (acrylic on canvas, unique specimen, signed, shadow gap 87 x 67 cm)
"Outlook VIII" "In Reminiscence on Wladimir Jewgrafowitsch Tatlin",
a symbol for the loss of avant garde streams while the early
Soviet Union around the 1920s
(acrylic on canvas, unique specimen, signed, shadow gap 83,5 x 63,5 cm)
"Outlook VII" (acrylic on canvas, unique specimen, signed, shadow gap 73 x 93 cm, stretcher frame 70 x 90 cm)
left: "WISA II" (acrylic on canvas, unique specimen, signed, framed 32 x 32 cm) sold
right: "WISA III" (acrylic on cardboard, unique specimen, signed, 43,5 x 33,5 cm) sold
all graphics © copyright by Wolfgang Fiedler